Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Dog Days of August...

Well, it's been a busy month and we've had a ton of fun. It's crazy to think that summer is over and now it's going to get cold. But we tried to do as much as we could this summer to make it one to remember. We for sure took advantage of the boat and escaped to the lake every chance we could get, but I think everyones seen enough of the boating pictures, for this year at least. Our brother-in-law, Cody, has always had a thing for demolition derbies and has been a contestant in the Payson Days Derby for quite a few years. They got rid of that derby, but someone finally got one going for the Utah County Fair. Cody couldn't resist and entered into it. Here's some pics of the excitement. By far the best derby we've ever been to.


ty and ash

Hey Bob.. It's about time for an update.. You've been following my bad blogging example huh.. Just kiddin!! You guys look so dang cute! Brooks is a total hunk! How did this summer fly by us so fast?!? Hopefully we'll have a few more boating days before it gets too cold! Let us know if you guys head out...
Love ya!
p.s. tell Nate I'm totally impressed by his post.. SOO cute!!

ty and ash
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